Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Characters

Warning: This story contains excessive amounts of Blood, shooting and importantly, it uses a mix of hundreds of characters from different universes.

So any way, the Characters!!!!!

Good Guys: The Organization

Larry: Main Character. Used to be human but was experimented on by the Spartans and turned into a spirit.
He only survives through his armor which is pitch black. He can escape the armor into more powerful forms
From: Made Up Armor from Halo

Django: Solar Boy. Larry's partner. More serious than Larry, who is goofy, creating a kinda Vash+Wolfwood pair.
From: I think you know what.

Phil: Leader of the Organization. Highly skilled in fighting but he doesn't fight a lot.
From:Perfect Kirby

The Arbiter: Real name: Orna 'Fulsamee Exiled warrior who leads his troops of the Predators

Predators: Warriors who work for the Arbiter.
From: Alien v.s. Predator

Tassadar: Powerful Warrior of the Psionic energy who teaches LArry powerful moves
From: StarCraft

Zealots: Tassadar's troops

Gwiti Ha'atel: Powerful Necromancer who is currently a hobo on a subway train
From: Battle for Wesnoth

Bad Guys: Spartans

Michael Vick: Football player who ran away after being discovered to torture dogs.
Spartan who was hired by the ominous one to defeat Larry.
From: NFL

Ominous One: Main Bad Guy, who is leader of the spartans
From: You'll find out.

Spartans: Super Soldiers who were experiments that ended years ago.
The ominous one brings them back tyo fight.
From: Halo

Aliens: Warriors who hate the Predators.
From: Alien v.s. Predator

The Alien Queen: Monster who resides in the archives of the Templar.
From: See Above.

Grunts: Worthless warriors who don't do anything.
From: Halo

Dinosaurs: Escaped Steven Spielburg and are terrorizing humanity
From: Jurassic park

Charlie: A tween who owns a demonic chocolate factory and pilots his ship
The Unicorn
From: Based on Charlie the unicorn and Charlie and the chocolate factory.

End Characters.

There are probably more characters I have't added because I haven't thought of them yet.

Such As:

Shine Greymon

So what do ya guy's think?

Well, here comes....

Prologue: The Dark Spartan

The Dark Spartan

Suddenly waking in a tube of energized energy, Experiment 154 (Yes, rip off of thing thing) was wondering what the hell was going on. Turning to his side, he saw many alien looking scientists moving materials around the area. Seeing the armor, he realized that the myths were true, and that he was going to become a spartan, but he looked at his body, and was shocked, his body was all black energy, and his eyes glowed a bright red. Crap. He wanted to leave. NOW. He reached into a tube in him, nothing. an explosion rocked the chamber. Scientists mumble back and forth.

"Sir, I have just received orders, we need to get the experiment out of here and into the shipment chamber to send to the next ship"

The man was shot and hit the ground. Bam bam bam the window exploded, and the Arbiter jumped out followed by two Predators.

"Break the Tube."

CRASH, and Larry fell out of the tube, and fell through the ground, landing with a clunk on the floor under, which was fortified with Anti-Phase Covering.

"Dammit" The Arbiter said, "You'd think they'd put that on this floor."

End Prologue

Chapter 1: The Organization

Chapter 1
The Organization

As Larry awoke, he realized he was on the floor. Three mysterious aliens surrounded him, with strange spinning discs in their hands. Then, a lone figure entered the room. His armor was clad in silver and shone like pearls at the bottom of the ocean. Reaching to his side, he pulled out a small remote. Then, in the blink of an eye, two curved energy blades appeared two inches from the tops of the sword. Bizzow! With a quick lunge, one of the aliens was dead on the floor, with blood spewing on the ground.

The other aliens took notice of the fighter, and attacked. With the discs flying at him, he ducked and slashed at the alien, killing that one as well. The last alien tossed his disc, exploding in the air next to The Arbiter. He grabbed a blade next to his leg. Bizoow! Slash Slash Slash, the two engaged in a duel. The slash whizzed above the Arbiters head, and he slashed under the Alien, who jumped and hit The Arbiters shoulder.

"Heh, Heh Heh." The Arbiter cackled, as he gripped his bleeding shoulder. Pressing a button on his armor, he disappeared from sight. The Alien was caught off guard, his first instinct was that his opponent had teleported somehow. Finally realizing he had cloaked he put on his special infrared goggles. Too late. He turned, and the last thing he saw was the Arbiter rushing towards him and slashing his body in half, his legs still standing, as his body fell to the ground.

The Sanghelli warrior approached the spirit.

"Good," Larry thought, "He won't hit me with that blade, it'll phase through me."

That was his second mistake.

His first was not running when he had the chance.

When Larry Awoke, he noticed he was in Black armor. He saw a Black man (Not trying to be Racist) with a goatee. The warrior he saw earlier was standing in the corner.

"Welcome, Larry," I am Phil, leader of the organization, "We are at war with the Spartans, and you are our last hope to destroy them." "As you well know, you only live because you are contained in the Dark Armor."

It seemed Larry already had it on his mind to get revenge on the ones who turned him into this monster. "Alright, I'll join your Organization." A smile grew on Phil's face, "Good, very good. Now, this is your partner, his name is Django."

"Hello!" The one called Django said. "Take this Gun, it has the dark element and can be hooked up in the ammo slot of any gun.

"Now, then, your first mission is to free the Templar Archives south of here."

End of Chapter

Chapter 2: The General

Chapter 2
The General


"Okay, we're in"

A spark started on the other side of the Door, and sizzled around the lock of the area door, and killed a strange spider leech which was hooked on the lock. The door opened, and smoked entered the area. Through the smoke, a view of many figures entered. It was Larry, his new partner Django, and a group of fighters, which also held the Arbiter.

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

Hey, don't be a baby, Django, how old are, you, like 11?"

Strange infestations covered the walls and ceilings.

"What a mockery of the Sacred Archives!" One of the Zealots called, and a rumble rumbled through the area.

Screaming with his psi blades in the air, was his mistake, a swift white flash killed him.

Three magna-guards appeared, followed by a group of Zerglings. Battle droids took the rear, and they all attacked.

The battle began, the enemies were hopelessly outmatched, and most of them fell with the next 4 minutes.

Then was the foolish part.

"Let's separate."

They split into two groups. The first group was Larry, Django, and The ARbiter and Tassadar.
The other group was the soldiers.

"Heh, heh, heh"

As they were walking, they saw the dead body of one of the scholars.

A figure landed from the cieling, pulling out four Lightsabers in his four arms.

"I am General Grevious, and you are about to die!"

End of Chapter 2

Chapter 3: Swords and Psionics

Chapter 3
Of Swords and Psionics

General Grevious approached the four warriors, with his lightsabers out to his side holding them up, he was so intimidating that he seemed to be growing.

"What's he thinking?" The Arbiter thought. "He's leaving his stomach completely open."

He pulled out his Plasma sword and charged towards him, slashing at his unprotected spot. His opponents reflexes were better than he expected. Right as he slashed, two blades came down, one blocked, and the other forced him backwards. At the same time, the other two blocked the solar and Dark swords that were swung by Django and Larry. All three attacked him, forcing him back, Django ran up to deliver a powerful blow, then Grevious shot up and latched his feet claws onto the ceiling. Django fired six shots onto the ceiling, and the enemy disappeared again. He snuck up on their rear, and almost cut through Larry, who jumped back and attacked. As Larry was fending off Grevious, The Arbiter and Django attacked from other ends. Grevious responded by spinning two of his lightsabers to block the attacks, while his other two were attacking the enemy. Django took advantage as he and Larry shot their opponent with their machine guns, knocking him into the corner, bam! ZAP! RAT TAT TAT! The dust cleared, and the arm of their enemy fell to the ground.

"Never turn your back on an enemy, unless you're sure that they are dead. And for me, that's extremely hard to tell."

The enemy they had thought they killed rose and attacked them, but then the body of Tassadar appeared
in a blue flash and fired a blue sphere of energy. Grevious blocked it and reflected it to the ground. Tassadar put his fist on top of the other and pulled out a energy blade of blue psionics.

"Go, I'll defeat The General, your mission is to defeat the queen."

"No way, you'll be totally destroyed, you have one psi blade, he has 23 lightsabers." Larry said

"It's not the sword, err..swords, it's the swordsman." Tassadar replied.

"let him do this, this whole time he wasn't helping us." Django said.

The three retreated farther into the archives, and The two swordsman charged with their swords in hand.

The following battle was long and intense, Tassadar managed to fend off the 4 swirling blades, but not able to get his own hits. Then, as he finally got distance between his opponent, he fired a ball of psionic energy, knocking Grevious onto the floor. He sliced off two of the generals arms.

"I believe in the value of life, even ones who is not deserving of it.. So I will spare you."

"You foolish old man! (Not really a man, he's an alien.)"

General Grevious charged, ready to strike. Tassadar turned, turning his psi blade into an energy sphere, he stuck his fist through his opponent, and dark energies melted through his enemy, killing him.

"Although some don't deserve to live." He said, as he walked off.


"where are the rest of the troops?" Django said, before he saw the huge monster in front of him.

"Is this the queen?" The Arbiter asked. "Yeah, so all we have to do is rip this thing in half and we can get rid of this infestation."

"Yeah, that's all we to have do." Larry said as he ran off to fight his opponent.

End of Chapter 3

Chapter 4: Mission 1: Recover the Archives!

Chapter 4
Mission 1: Recover the Archives!

Larry approached the Large Spider-Like creature. Touching it's outer shell, he pulled out his dark sword, getting ready to cut through the giant beast. His blade touched the surface of the Queen, then fell away. A large leg with a sickle at the end crashed to the ground, and Larry barely got out of the way before it hit.

"Great," Larry said, "I guess we are gonna have a..."

Boss Battle: Alien Queen


The trio ran through the curved path a the queen slumbered behind them. She fired a blast of goop which Larry dodged.

"Here, take this!"

Django tossed a shield to Larry, who blocked the blast of goop. He ran up, to slash at the enemy. He stopped after two steps and blasted away at the Queens legs.

"Find the others!" Larry yelled. "I'll take down this monster!"

You'd think that they'd learned their lesson but they hadn't

Larry was knocked back by the force of the next blow.

"Have to find a weak spot."

The queen opened here mouth to fire more goop balls. Larry tossed a Pineapple grenade inside the queen,
It exploded, (considering he had alot of health left it did a lot of damage.) BOOM!

The explosion didn't work as he planned, and the queen was still standing, but an explosion potruded through a ring around the legs.


If Larry could remove the legs, which were now loose, he could immobilize the Queen, then he can do whatever.

He rushed up, but couldn't get close enough because of the Aliens who had jumped onto the queen and fired discs of energy at Larry.

"Oh Crap," Larry thought. "That little shield icon in the corner is almost zero."

But then, Larry noticed a white meter in the other corner fill up, and an Icon in the last corner that said press.

Larry lifted his shield into the air, as it turned into white energy that engulfed him, and he emerged into a darker shadow spirit form with long claws and red dark eyes.

He slashed through the air, creating a shield which blocked the discs. He charged, jumping to the top to the Queen, slashing through the alien guards. Then he landed behind the queen and pulled out one of the many legs easily. Dashing around quickly, he slashed through all the leg holes with the leg he was holding.

The queen fell to the ground, still spewing poison goop. Larry teleported next to the head, and jumped inside, as Tassadar, Django and the Arbiter appeared

"OH NO! SHE ATE LARRY!" Django yelled.

Just then, Larry slashed up inside of the queens body, exploding it with his ghost burst attack.


"He's unlocked his Trance power." Tassadar said. "He wields much more power than before."

"He's probably a lot wiser now that he has all of this power." The Arbiter said.

Larry ran up, still inside the rib cage. "Look at me! I'm Skelman!"

The Arbiter smacked himself in the face.

"Whatever, let's just get out of here." Tassadar said. "And, Larry these are for you."

Got: "Psi Bracers"!


Equip psi bracers onto each arm, do not put two on one arm. One full charge lasts 3 billion years. When you enter battle, focus energy into bracers to activate charge. Blade sizes reach 3 to 30 inches. Normal size is 15-18.

Warning, contains Psionic energies, do not give to small children.

Made in Korea

"Alright!" Larry said. "Okay Phil, bring out your best missions, cause I'm ready!"


Ouch man I'm so not ready for this.

End of Chapter 4

Chapter 5: Crelanu's book

Chapter 5:
Crelanu's Book

Far away, in a far away tower, the Sacred Guardian of Legend stood by his tower. Gripping his blade, he looked off into the horizon, he had felled demons, occasional monsters, and the Dark Knight of evil. Although he sensed that something powerful was coming. He climbed up a step, to lay his head for the night.

Surely what was coming would not get there before morning.

He was wrong, as he would have noticed, if he was awake.

He awoke at the sound of tapping on the outside of of his tower. Walking outside, he noticed nothing, only that the sun was rising.

"What could that person possibly be after?" He thought to himself. While in his thoughts, he noticed a lone figure walking in the distance. He didn't look like a threat, he was frail, his arms at his side, lumbering like a homeless one.

The Guard remembered his most important lesson well: "Never be fooled by appearances."

He gripped his large sword, he checked it's edge. Sharp as it ever was. The man came closer, and the Legendary Knight raised his shield. The man obviously wasn't a warrior, with his frailness, so he must have been a wizard, or a sorcerer. Either way, he was dangerous. Then the Guard was surprised.

The figure in the distance stopped.

Then the Guard of legend realized, that the whole slow walking.....

"It's a trap!" He yelled, and he charged up the stairs, knowing that of course, there was someone else up on the top of the tower. What he expected was a Heavy-Armor soldier, another Wizard, or some other threat.

What he saw was a strange mammal.

He pulled up his visor, and wiped his eyes. Was he seeing it right? Unless.....

Another lesson, this one he forgot: "Beware of traps inside traps."

He looked over the side of the tower, where the frail man had disappeared.

He ran down the steps, running to quickly finish off the frail man who had entered the tower. He stopped, to see the man holding a book.

Not just any book.....

Crelanu's Book.

Hundreds of years ago, the worlds strongest Necromancer/Lich wrote down all of his spells before he was killed by an army of 10,000 Paladins.

And now it was in the hands of another, this could mean nothing short of instant doom.

The Necromancer shot several energy spheres onto the Guard, who retreated to the top of the tower.

That was his second mistake.

He first noticed that he forgot to kill the animal on the top of the tower.

The second thing he noticed was that the animal wasn't there anymore, replaced by a humongous Demon with fire leaking out of his mouth. He raised his shield, and he noticed the mysterious Necromancer float to the top of the beast.

"Heh, heh, heh," He said. "It looks like it's the end of the Great Guardian of Legend...."

"What do you want?" The Guard shouted to the mysterious wizard.

"Isn't it obvious? Once you, the Guardian of this city is destroyed, I can turn the citizens into my own Undead city!"

The beast raised it's arm, and a flaming fist flew to the ground. The Guardian dodged, and attacked.

He charged up his blade, and a large beam of energy blew out of the blade, exploding into the beast.
The giant Baelrog-like demon shrugged off the attack, and blew fire all over the field, igniting the inside of the knight, destroying his useless flesh, and reviving him as the Skeleton Knight.

Looking over the rest of the city, which had yet the rooster to crow, he raised his arms, and the skull emblem appeared, shattering some parts, as he teleported his undead army to that area to spread the Undeadening.

This is how the city of Necros was formed.

End of Chapter 5