Thursday, April 16, 2009

Chapter 1: The Organization

Chapter 1
The Organization

As Larry awoke, he realized he was on the floor. Three mysterious aliens surrounded him, with strange spinning discs in their hands. Then, a lone figure entered the room. His armor was clad in silver and shone like pearls at the bottom of the ocean. Reaching to his side, he pulled out a small remote. Then, in the blink of an eye, two curved energy blades appeared two inches from the tops of the sword. Bizzow! With a quick lunge, one of the aliens was dead on the floor, with blood spewing on the ground.

The other aliens took notice of the fighter, and attacked. With the discs flying at him, he ducked and slashed at the alien, killing that one as well. The last alien tossed his disc, exploding in the air next to The Arbiter. He grabbed a blade next to his leg. Bizoow! Slash Slash Slash, the two engaged in a duel. The slash whizzed above the Arbiters head, and he slashed under the Alien, who jumped and hit The Arbiters shoulder.

"Heh, Heh Heh." The Arbiter cackled, as he gripped his bleeding shoulder. Pressing a button on his armor, he disappeared from sight. The Alien was caught off guard, his first instinct was that his opponent had teleported somehow. Finally realizing he had cloaked he put on his special infrared goggles. Too late. He turned, and the last thing he saw was the Arbiter rushing towards him and slashing his body in half, his legs still standing, as his body fell to the ground.

The Sanghelli warrior approached the spirit.

"Good," Larry thought, "He won't hit me with that blade, it'll phase through me."

That was his second mistake.

His first was not running when he had the chance.

When Larry Awoke, he noticed he was in Black armor. He saw a Black man (Not trying to be Racist) with a goatee. The warrior he saw earlier was standing in the corner.

"Welcome, Larry," I am Phil, leader of the organization, "We are at war with the Spartans, and you are our last hope to destroy them." "As you well know, you only live because you are contained in the Dark Armor."

It seemed Larry already had it on his mind to get revenge on the ones who turned him into this monster. "Alright, I'll join your Organization." A smile grew on Phil's face, "Good, very good. Now, this is your partner, his name is Django."

"Hello!" The one called Django said. "Take this Gun, it has the dark element and can be hooked up in the ammo slot of any gun.

"Now, then, your first mission is to free the Templar Archives south of here."

End of Chapter

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