Thursday, April 16, 2009

Chapter 3: Swords and Psionics

Chapter 3
Of Swords and Psionics

General Grevious approached the four warriors, with his lightsabers out to his side holding them up, he was so intimidating that he seemed to be growing.

"What's he thinking?" The Arbiter thought. "He's leaving his stomach completely open."

He pulled out his Plasma sword and charged towards him, slashing at his unprotected spot. His opponents reflexes were better than he expected. Right as he slashed, two blades came down, one blocked, and the other forced him backwards. At the same time, the other two blocked the solar and Dark swords that were swung by Django and Larry. All three attacked him, forcing him back, Django ran up to deliver a powerful blow, then Grevious shot up and latched his feet claws onto the ceiling. Django fired six shots onto the ceiling, and the enemy disappeared again. He snuck up on their rear, and almost cut through Larry, who jumped back and attacked. As Larry was fending off Grevious, The Arbiter and Django attacked from other ends. Grevious responded by spinning two of his lightsabers to block the attacks, while his other two were attacking the enemy. Django took advantage as he and Larry shot their opponent with their machine guns, knocking him into the corner, bam! ZAP! RAT TAT TAT! The dust cleared, and the arm of their enemy fell to the ground.

"Never turn your back on an enemy, unless you're sure that they are dead. And for me, that's extremely hard to tell."

The enemy they had thought they killed rose and attacked them, but then the body of Tassadar appeared
in a blue flash and fired a blue sphere of energy. Grevious blocked it and reflected it to the ground. Tassadar put his fist on top of the other and pulled out a energy blade of blue psionics.

"Go, I'll defeat The General, your mission is to defeat the queen."

"No way, you'll be totally destroyed, you have one psi blade, he has 23 lightsabers." Larry said

"It's not the sword, err..swords, it's the swordsman." Tassadar replied.

"let him do this, this whole time he wasn't helping us." Django said.

The three retreated farther into the archives, and The two swordsman charged with their swords in hand.

The following battle was long and intense, Tassadar managed to fend off the 4 swirling blades, but not able to get his own hits. Then, as he finally got distance between his opponent, he fired a ball of psionic energy, knocking Grevious onto the floor. He sliced off two of the generals arms.

"I believe in the value of life, even ones who is not deserving of it.. So I will spare you."

"You foolish old man! (Not really a man, he's an alien.)"

General Grevious charged, ready to strike. Tassadar turned, turning his psi blade into an energy sphere, he stuck his fist through his opponent, and dark energies melted through his enemy, killing him.

"Although some don't deserve to live." He said, as he walked off.


"where are the rest of the troops?" Django said, before he saw the huge monster in front of him.

"Is this the queen?" The Arbiter asked. "Yeah, so all we have to do is rip this thing in half and we can get rid of this infestation."

"Yeah, that's all we to have do." Larry said as he ran off to fight his opponent.

End of Chapter 3

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