Thursday, April 17, 2003

Chapter 8: The Arbiter's Journey

Chapter 8: The Arbiter's journey

The Arbiters small fleet of ships landed in a large field, a large spot at the campsite.

"Land here, we should check out this cave, our radar is sensing a large power signature here."

As the ship landed, The Arbiter decided to check out the cave by himself.

Only minor threats were found in the cave, Large Spiders, Saurians, and other frail creatures.

"Grr....I wonder why the radar picked up such a strong energy signature."

Perhaps he shouldn't have told the other Elites and Predators to come in after him in 40 minutes.

Perhaps, he should have gone with them in the first place.....

AS he approached a large hole in the cave, he proceeded down it, down down down, into a large clear, where their was.....

A treasure chest?

What would a treasure chest be doing in a cave?

The Arbiter slapped himself, "Of course, vital objects are always in places where they it is utterly impossible for them to get there."

He walked down towards the chest, and sliced off the lock with his Sword.

Inside was, a Norm Shield.

"A norm shield, I remember these. Until you attach a shield property on in, it is almost useless."

Then, behind him, a sanke came out of hiding.

The snake bellowed, an fired a blob of acid.

The Arbiter was calm, he was quite positive he could easily defeat it.

He dodged the blast, and proceeded to slice off it's head.

It didn't work

No matter how fast he moved, the monster managed to block all of the attacks at once.

Now it was time to put his tactical skills to the test.

Quickly calculating the speed the Snake could move, the power of it's attacks, and other factors, he then cloaked himself.

He quickly darted across the room, setting a new invention created at the lab.

When his cloak wore off, he struck the snake, who again managed to block his attack.

The beams from the mechanism fired huge bursts of Plasma energy onto the snake, who, although could guard swiftly, could not guard at all directions at once.

ZWISHAM! With a roar, the Snake fell to the ground, dead.

His eye flew out, and landed in the shield.

Maybe it was a property, because the Norm Shield became........


(If you hadn't noticed yet, these shields are coming from the actual lunar knights game)

Most of the machines were broken, they weren't created to fight, they were actually homing beacons.

The Arbiter had argued: "I don't see the point of having a beacon shoot a giant row of plasma beam, why not just one blast,or even a flare? This would make a good battleing machinery though."

But the scientist disagreed.

Whatever, since they weren't entirely made for fighting, they died out quickly.

The Arbiter took one that was still owrking well, and took it's added it's property to his shield.

He plasma shield(He gives away the Snake Eyes to Larry) could now shoot.

He checked his Multi use device.

"It's been an 56 minutes, it took me about 20 minutes to get through, so they should be here in around 4 minutes...."

If they were there, the would see the platoon of Spartans jump down and take the Arbiter to the base.

At the base:

The leader, the ominous one, yes it's Samus approached the Arbiter.

"It seems your rescue has failed horribly."

"Well then, you probably want to see Larry and Django don't you?"

"HA! Well you won't! This whole plan has succeeded, and I have a full legoin of the Super Soilders of Halo: The Spartans! Now i can conquer the galaxy!"

It was a weakness for all villians, talking while they should be killing their adversaries.

Because while she was talking, the Arbiters alarm went off, signaling the end of an hour.

Which was the exact time the Elites and Predators stormed into the room, blasting everywhere.

The lab was blasted, and reblasted, Materials and things exploded.

Spartans ran, and Samus fired a wave beam.

Which The Arbiter blocked, and fired a wave of Plasma energy.

Fwam! Samus was shot and landed back in the hallway, samshing her back.

"Retreat!" Michael Vick called, and the Spartans and Samus retreated.

Larry and Django were kept in a cell nearby, and they were freed and Larry was given the Snake Eyes.

The Arbiter gave a call to base:

"We ned back-up, we are in the 100 floor base of the Spartans, and we need a large army, prepare one, and when we get to the 100th floor attack."

They were on floor B1F

They climbed up, to floor 1.

"Let's go"

End of Chapter 8

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