Tuesday, April 17, 2001

Chapter 9: Jurassic Tower of Parks Terror

Chapter 9:
Jurassic Tower of Parks Terror

Larry, he climbed into the elavator.


The door slid open, and 7 elites and 30 Grunts and 2 Brutes fired at him.

"Fire! FIRE! FIIIIIRRRREEE!!! KILL HIM!!!" A black grunt chanted.

Larry and Django swept through the group cutting down fighters and zipping around.

Django cut in, he slid under an elites legs and cut through it's legs.

Larry jumped into the air, and pumped his shotgun. He Pounded his trigger and blasted down the remaining elitea.

He swiveled and jumped behind one of the brutes and shot it's neck, it's head rolled on the floor.

Django readied a grenade and tossed it into the center of the room, it exploded with great energy, taking out about 8 grunts, and the rest were injured or caught on fire. They fled.

The remaining brute approached, his gun was ready to blast. Larry took a step back. He reached into his pocket.......

"Django! Hold him off, be right there!"

Django sighed and charged towards the brute, he slashed at him with his sword, but was met with an iron fist that snapped it like a twig.

FLASH! A beam of light was flung from Django's gun and launched into the brutes face.

The brute was getting tired. He flung his fist into the air and smacked Django to the ground. He got up, he charged back again. He took a glance at Larry,

"Larry! What the hell are you doing fumbling around with your pockets!"

The brute raised his fist and was ready to smash Django.

Then it hit him. The bullet of the Rifle.

FWOOM! The sniper rifle blasted right through his head, and the brute fell dead.

How the hell did he fit that sniper in his pocket? Django wondered and then faced Larry.

"Thanks man, I owe you one."
Larry laughed, "Yeah, you owe me like, 5 or 6."

They climbed up the floors, and they made it to the hallway. They saw several cages, but they couldn't tell what was in them because of the metal sheets.

They didn't have time either. They climbed up through the hallway, and encountered....a strange, black knight.

Oh screw with the acts, it was Michael Vick again.

"Larry, this time you perish, in HELL!!!"

Vick charged towards Larry, with his blue attack appearing again. Larry was prepared, he wasn't going to let Michael Vick beat him again....

Fwoom, Vick passed right through Larry, his speed was shifting his molecules through Larry, and he pulled out a blade, and smacked the end into Django's face, cracking a tooth. He turned swiftly, and slashed at Larry, who ducked quickly, and aimed for the legs, but Vick's superior speed let him jump and knock into Larry with his foot.

"Larry, take the sword!"

Larry caught the sword, and enchanted it with darkness, he lunged towards Michael Vick, and they engaged in a duel. Larry slashed at his underbelly, and was met with a block, Michael reflected the attack, and punched Larry in the arm. Larry tried to attack his other arm, but Michael Vick jumped back, and he charged up energy, and did another tackle on Larry. Larry pushed as hard as he could, and the result of energies created an explosion that totally rocked the hallway, the cages exploded, and the dinosaurs inside ran all around the building.

But wait, dino's don't shoot fireballs, do they? Strangely the raptors (For they were mostly raptors) were firing balls of flame that engulfed Michael Vick's black armor. "NO! NO!!!" He was pulled into the flurry of dinosaurs.

Larry turned away, and slumped Django on his back, saying, "Now he owes me like, 57962."

He exited, and encountered a stronger raptor on the stairs. It was the Mother Raptor, it's name was White tip (From Dinosaur Planet i think it's called.).

The raptor lunged, but the Arbiter suddenly appeared, and slashed at the raptor. He was chased up the stairs, onto the balcony, below, he could see the clouds and beyond them, the bottom of the tower. If he fell off these rails, he would surely die. He cautiously inched towards the Raptor, and they circled each other. He lunged quickly, and slashed off the raptors finger. It screached.

The raptor slashed at him, cutting away his shields and damaged his Health. He quickly fired at it with his plasma rifle, damaging it. The raptor cracked into him with her skull. He hit the rails, and his weaponry flew off the side of the tower.

But falling might be just what he needed. The raptor charged, he grabbed her head between his feet and threw her off the building.

"SKREESHA!!!!!" The Raptor yelled and fell off into the great sea.

"Let's go," the Arbiter said, "I don't want to be caught without a weapon..."

As they got into a battle vehicle, with a cannon on top, they quickly drove away, and they heard a roar of power.

An extra large T-rex charged towards them, and they quickly noticed him.

"Oh crap crap crap crap!!" Larry called, and grabbed Django. "C'mon wake up!"

Django woke up, was freaked out by the Rex, and he grabbed the gun and started firing.

At this point, they were getting chased up to the top of the tower.

End chapter 9

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