Monday, April 17, 1978

Epilogue: The Battle with Makuta

The Battle with Makuta

Makuta slowly stepped onto the last step of stairs. With one stride, he stepped into the arena. He wasn't tired, he was just Shadow Energy in armor, sleep had no effect on him.

Gwiti Ha'atel was the first to notice, and he flung a bolt of ice-lightning energy at him. The blast struck him directly in the chest, and he laughed.

"You cannot hurt me necromancer." Makuta hurled his own lightning at Gwiti, and a Skeleton appeared and was destroyed.

"Neither can your minions." Makuta created a dark red gas cloud inside the arena, and pulled the dead bodies of the spartans and the undead inside of him.

Larry and Tassadar prepared their weaponry, and the Makuta took another step, and huge wings burst from his back.

"Heh, I am much too powerful for you now." He pulled a staff out of his hand.

He tested his power, firing a huge bolt of shadow energy into the control room, sucking the energy out of the spartan there. His armor fell over onto the ground.

In the corner of the control room, Charlie was climbing out, and noticed the Spartans armor. He quickly smashed the window, and jumped out.

WAM! With one swipe, Larry was locked in combat with Makuta. His staff was pushing against his sword.

He ducked under, and went between his legs. No dice. He put his legs together and Larry smashed his head.

Django fired his gun, a sol shot hit Makuta in the head.

Makuta jammed his gun, and as Django tried to fire again, it cracked, and bursts of solar energy came out of it.

Gwiti Ha'atel saw the next few moments, Charlie had jumped onto Makuta, but he pulled him off. The next moment, Makuta took one finger and pressed it into Charlie's brain, draining his energy and knowledge.

Charlies eyes went white and his arms became weak and became as thin as his bones. His skin changed to pale white.

Larry took aim. "I'm ending this." He took aim with his gun, and fired. A bullet flew straight and hit directly in Charlie's brain.

Larry pulled out a switch from his gun, then pressing a button, the bullet exploded, destroying Charlie's head and forcing Makuta back.

Makuta lumbered towards Larry, but Phil jumped in the way and punched Makuta. Makuta slammed him down with his staff, but he lifted it and kicked his arm.

That's when his shoulder armor opened up and a tentacle slashed at Phil, slicing right through his stomach, and he flew and hit the ground, not dead but severely injured.

Gwiti summoned a Wyvern steed for himself, and he fired a ball of lightning. Makuta absorbed the lightning, and smashed the dragon.

Django powered the sol de vice, and sliced at Makuta. It was ineffective, but Django had an idea.

"He is weak to light energy. If we had the piledriver...."

Tassadar came up right next to him. "We high templar are trained to use light energy."

"Alright." Django said. "I hope I can create the piledriver..."


The ground shone 3 times, then the room went a bright white.

The piledriver was there.

The Arbiter was fighting against Makuta. He dodged two of his blows, then a bright orange beam of light flew by. He jumped out of the way.

"Hey watch it Django!" He turned to see a huge solar cannon.

"There isn't enough energy to destroy Makuta..." Django said.

Tassadar came up. "Then I will do it. I have enough solar energy to power them up.."

He jumped into the air, and exploded into a bright blue energy ball of crackling lightning. The energy went into the cannons, and they all opened fire at Makuta.

Makuta fell to the ground weakened. "You"

Makuta grabbed Larry, and absorbed him into his own body.

He transferred his power through the blast of the piledrivers, and the cannons overloaded with shadow energy and exploded.

" seems Tassadar's sacrifice was in vain. Now, boy, you are due to die."

He raised his staff, then he dropped it. His body was destroying itself from the inside. Then he heard a voice. It was Larry.

"You are just like me, just shadow energy and armor. But unlike you, I'm here for the goodness of destroy you!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Then, Makuta's body started to implode.

"NOOOOOO!!!! Damn you LARRRRYYYY!!!'

Then, it was over, there was an explosion, and then, there was no Makuta, but Larry with his gun, and some damaged armor.

"Larry! You made it!"

"Yeah, we are both the same, both just shadow energy, but what i was fighting for was more then he could understand. It made my will stronger, which I could use to overpower him, and being energy I could absorb him into me."

The Arbiter walked over and picked up Phil. He put a sword to Gwiti's neck. "Just try undeadening him and I'll slice off your head."

He walked away. "We will be going back to the base." Django said, and he picked up his broken gun. "We will tell about what happened."

"I see that we no longer need to work together, this Alliance is unnecessary. I will go back to my city. I will rebuild my army. Expect an attack in 3 months." said Gwiti.

"Well C'mon." Larry said to Django. "It's time to go home."

--------------------End Larry Game-------------------------

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