Saturday, January 17, 2009

Chapter 6: The Train

Chapter 6
The Train

Larry walked down the Subway station, gripping his gun tightly, he ventured down into the chamber, being very cautious of his surroundings.

One wrong move, and 50 assassins would be all over him.

As he entered the large station underground, he saw many people around, buying tickets, buying snacks, some trying to make their babies shut up.

Strangely, no one seemed to notice the warrior in Pitch Black Armor.

And they also didn't notice another Spartan with Glowing Orange armor, in the corner.

As many Trains poured into the Subway station, passengers poured into them like crazy, like a herd of Bulls.

All except for one.

"That's my target then." Larry said, and he approached the Train that no one was on.

"Got it." The Orange Spartan said, and he pulled an Uzi from his holster.

He fired, and several bullets flew towards Larry.

Larry took notice, and activated his shield, The Red Cross, and the bullets bounced off harmlessly.

Larry charged towards The Orange spartan, and he charged as well.

Three noises were heard; An Uzi being fired, a slash cutting, and a bright orange armor collapsing to the ground.

Larry pulled his spirit fist back into his armor.

That took care of that Spartan.

He looked over.

Good nothing had changed.

Except the train was moving.


Larry dashed towards the train, and jumped, grabbing a rail on the back of the Subway. As he tried to pull himself up, his legs crashed against the rails continuously, creating a row of sparks.

Good thing no one noticed him.

He climbed into the back of the train, only to be surrounded by 6 skeletons. He pulled out his psi bracers, and slashed away at them, easily destroying them.

"Easy as pie. Mmmm, now I want pie"

"Maybe the Devil has some pie, you should ask him once I kill you."

What was that? Larry turned, and spotted a man in red robes, holding a book.

Crelanu's book.

"That's what I'm after, that book, give it to me NOW!"

The Necromancer only fired a blast of energy from his arm, knocking him back into another cart.

Larry tested his psi bracers, cutting a piece of metal.

He charged towards the Necromancer, Who's name was Gwiti Ha'atel.

Gwiti only sidestepped, and summoned a skeleton to attack. Larry easily chopped him down, and charged towards Gwiti again.

Gwiti fired and knocked Larry into a storage room, where Larry locked the door and started to think.

"How am I going to kill this guy?"

He didn't have alot of time to think, as from the boxes a giant skeleton knight appeared, and boxes rolled down and Larry had to avoid them.

The Skeleton swung his sword, crashing into the ground, Larry attacked, trying to slice the skeleton's leg off.

The Knight merely knocked him away, Larry hit the wall smashing the lock.

Then Larry noticed the Necrocore inside the Skeletons chest. He jumped inside to destroy it.

Bashing repeatedly on the Skeletons core seemed to raise his trance.

He activated his trance form, except, this time it was different. He had turned into a ghost, with new abilities.

He charged into the core, and sapping away the life energy from it, the skeleton collapsed as Larry fel back into his armor.

Gwiti entered the room, preparing to destroy Larry once and for all.

Larry ran towards him.

"Look at me! I'm Skel man!"

Gwiti blasted him, and Larry hit the ground.

"Good. You are as strong as Phil says."

Larry looked puzzled.

"You never needed to recover the book, Phil only told you that so that you would find me, you never would have agreed."

"Why wouldn't I agree?"

"Because, I supplied the Necrotechno that the spartans used to turn you into a spirit, so the only way you would agree to this mission was if you had to kill me."

"So what do we really need you for?"

"Any assistance in this war is necessary, and I want my city back."
(Hint Hint: The necromancer in the last chapter is him)

"Okay, so you told Phil to tell me to kill you because you wanted to test my strength?"

"No." Gwiti replied, "I just wanted to mess with you."

"GRRRR!!!" Larry growled, as the trance Aura appeared around him.

"Enough! The Spartans are gathering in the East, in a small forest. Phil has already given you the orders to go there. We will be sending more troops but we need you to get there first."


End of Chapter 6

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