Sunday, April 17, 2005

Chapter 7: Charlie the Unicorn

Chapter 7
Charlie The Unicorn

As Larry entered the cut forest, he took notice of the building in front of him. Apparently this place was once a camp.

For kids.

As he entered the building, he saw a bag on the table. He checked it.


He left, and ran towards an open area, where three large SUVs lay.

Then the SUVs exploded.

A huge enormous ball of fire blew the cars away. And a lone Spartan came into view.

"Hello Larry, my name is...Michael Vick."

The football player?

"Heh, heh heh, I've heard many thing about you..." He took a step forward. "But I...."

"Will not be defeated!" With that, he charged towards Larry, at supersonic speed, so that he had no time to react.

WAM! Larry was hit and crashed to the ground. He activated his new visors attachment.

With quicker reaction time, Michael Vick went seemingly slower.

Vick charged once more, this time Larry was ready and slashed, slicing through Michael Vick's arm before he could get out.

Michael Vick reappeared farther in front of Larry. He chuckled.

"Heh...You are more powerful then I suspected. So now, you will die at the hands of my monsters."

Michael Vick tossed a grenade, which exploded and created smoke.

As the smoke cleared into the air, Michael Vick was gone, behind a small chihuahua.


"I learned a thing or two about how to make a dog fight in my animal abusing years."

Larry was still laughing. The dog started to shake.

"I also learned a lot about Mutation while I was working for-"

Larry could not make out the name he had just said, for the chihuahua was mutating into a monstrous were-dog.

The new beast lunged towards Larry. He fired rounds of his shotgun which poured into the Were's chest.
He dodged to the side, and slashed off the monster's arm.

The Were-chihuahua struck Larry in the chest, followed by two blows to the face.

Larry collapsed on the ground.


A ship flew by, blasting the monstrous beast into oblivion.

Django reached his arm out and grabbed Larry as the ship flew by. Michael Vick jumped out of the way.
They were both going to escape.

Vick had other plans.

The purpose of the grenade was to lead an allied fighter to their position, The Unicorn

Piloted by Charlie.

The two ships engaged in a dogfight. Due to my inability to describe one, let's just say it was grueling but in the end nethier won.

The two ships crashed into the factory, the chocolate factory, redesigned so that some parts were connected to the Ominous one's Base.

Larry and Django ran through the base, going through seperate parts.

They both found each other, a long with Charlie and Michael Vick.

"This time, we end it." Michael VIck said.

"WAIT!" LArry called out. "Kid, what did they do to you to make you like this? You're just a kid!"

Charlie replied, "They offered me 5 dollars."

Michael Vick readied his fist. Larry readied his visor. Michael Vick charged. Larry scanned and prepared to counter.

"That trick is old Larry." Michael said, and a blue barrier appeared around his his front, actually the friction burning up from his charge.

SLAM! Larry was sent flying and hit the wall. Django attacked, but Charlie stopped him. Django fired, and Charlie swarmed him with a blast of chocolate.
"NOOO!!!!" Django cried as he was pulled in.

Michael Vick was preparing for Larry to attack. He never did.

Behind him, Larry had shifted to his Ghostly form and was stalking Vick. Michael charged his fist and attacked.

BAM! Larry was sent flying back, even in his Spirit form. He quickly shifted to his Vampiric Spirit form. Vick charged again, the Blue barrier knocking back Larry.

"Take them away." Michael Vick said, and the Grunts and Aliens took them away.

End of Chapter 7